The Media Room is suitable for photography and videography work. It is equipped with some acoustic surface, green screen, and photography-videography equipment.
Sandbox is a fun and energetic space to inspire and engage students in creative play and in realizing their ideas. Chairs and tables are arranged near power plugs to allow activities where electric power is needed.
Tinkering Corner is an activity space for undergraduate students to tinker. The space is equipped with tools for light prototyping work. With equipment such as laser cutting and vacuum forming machine, its usage is supervised by a Lab Executive.
The Hub is staffed with great people passionate about tinkering and making. Our lab staff are on-site during office hours and Makers-in-Residence, with various specialties, are available for consultation throughout the week as well.
Yee Teng
Laboratory Executive
Laboratory Technologist
Jing Yen
Year 2 Computer Engineering
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